Introduction to Drawing(8th grade)

Assignment 1: 3 Types of Drawings

Contour line: Using a marker draw the contours lines of 3 different objects in the room.

Blind Contour: Using the opposite hand you draw with and without looking draw your hand; use a  marker  to draw your hand. Lines will overlap.

Gestural:  With using a the gestural method draw a person, animal or a still life set up in front of you. Use charcoal pencil only and no erasing.

Assignment 2: Shading/Mediums  Shattered Image

Value Range with various mediums: Using a seven step scale practice showing a value range with various mediums.  Those mediums you can chose from are: pencil, colored pencil, oil pastels, chalk,  and marker. Make sure you  have a  smooth transitions between values, blending.  Now try using oil pastels and colored pencil layering colors and blending. Create a landscape or a blow up an object using pastels.  Learn about Georgia O'Keefe

 From shape to  form

Colored Pencil  how to blend

Drawing Fabric

Assignment 3: Surrealism with 2 point perspective

Create surrealistic drawing using colored pencils. Watch colored pencil tips below.  Learn about Salvador Dali and Renee Magritte

Visual Journal Assignment for the Trimester

These are not set due dates but it will follow the lesson that will be taught through the trimester. If you know how to do the assignment go ahead. These will done in a good sketchbook that may be purchased at Walmart. 9 x 12 around $5. Please review over the vocabulary before you decide to do a lesson. During Trimester 1 & 3 Students will include a outdoor sketch during times when weather is permitting. Sketchbook is divided into mid tri and final tri grade.


eyes with pastels:



eye with pencil

oil pastel apple

how to draw fabric

Assignment 4:   SPositive nad Negative white Charcoal Animal

You will choose and animal or mammal to scratch out using positive and negative space.  

Assignemnt 5:  Art with Moe Brooker  abstract movement chalk drawings

Learn about the Abstract painter Moe Brooker in creating a chalk drawing to music.

Non-Objective: using colors, texture,shapes from the original and abstracting them to not be recognizable.

Abstract: Distorting, less detail, shapes only, colors not blended


Two point perspecitve video